In the Name of GOD, Most
Gracious, Most Merciful
The Message was delivered to
Ahmed N. Sezer, the President of Republic
of Turkiye
21 December 2000.
Check it.
(6 x 10)
days later after the Warning sent, there was a big
in Turkiye on
February (2) 2001.

Crisis rocks Turkish
political argument between Prime Minister (Right)
Bulent Ecevit and President (Left)
Ahmed N. Sezer
caused a shock on fragile Turkish economy, draining it of billions of dollars in
a couple of hours.
Overnight interest rates spiked as high as 3000 percent and Central bank in
Turkiye lost $5 billion.
It was the largest single day dollar loss ever for Turkiye.Total loss of
Turkiye in this Crisis is $16.5 billion.
This government is
th (19x3)
coalition government in Turkiye.
GOD's will, on
21 December (12) 2001,
I sent the
Warning with a
including Turkish version of the Quran and the
book about the Code 19
to the Leaders of the Political
Parties ;
Bulent Ecevit - (Leader of
DSP) & Prime Minister of Republic of Turkiye
Mesut Yilmaz - (Leader of ANAP)
Devlet Bahceli - (Leader of MHP)
Tansu Ciller - (Leader of DYP)
Warning with a letter was also sent to
the members of the Parliament and the Media.
Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified