In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Message 2005 - DVD film was distributed
in January, 2005 to Media and related people. Check it.

Pope John Paul II in Vatican did receive GOD's Message on 26 January 2005.
Pope John Paul II died in
2 April 2005, just 66 days later from the date of 26 January 2005.
66 is the G.value of the name of GOD (ALLAH).
Including the days, it becomes
67 days and the number 67 is 19 th prime number,
67 th number 19 is placed in 74:30 which is the declaration of the number 19.
He died at
84 years old and in the Quran, there are 84 times the number 19.

Your Lord is not Jesus but GOD alone ; HE is
One GOD.

Instead of him, Ratzinger became new messenger of Satan in Vatican in
19 April 2005.
He is called GOD's Rottweiler but as for me he is the dog of Satan (
I believe he shall not live long because he is 265 th pontiff and 266 th (19x14) one should be coming very soon.
At the time of 266 th pontiff, submitted and sincere Christians shall destroy Christianity, Satan's religion.
Vatican has few years to live.

Nobody can stand against the truth.
Christians are learning that why Vatican did get rid of Mary M. , wife of Jesus , mother of Jesus's child.
Vatican was established in 325 A.D at Nicea (Iznik - Turkiye) and they created the Divine Christ by idolizing Jesus.
This is how Satan established his religion, Christianity.

Every Christian has a right to read every single document and the books that Vatican is hiding.
By GOD's will, the truth shall prevail against the falsehood.

In the
name of GOD and by GOD's will, on
19 July (7) 2005 , I declare that
21 October (10) 2006 , there shall be the Quake.

On 1 August (8) 2005, King Fahd bin abdul aziz, who received GOD's Message 2005
died at the age of
84, same as Pope John Paul II in Vatican.

                                        Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified