In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

On 4 January (1) 2006, Ariel Sharon, who received GOD`s Message 2005 , suffered a major stroke.
That was the t
ime that his soul (real person) left its body, he was dead. But his body is still alive.
ith, after delivering GOD`s Message
2005 to 3 leaders of Satanic Religions, they all died within a year.
Pope John Paul II (Vatican), leader of Christianity died in 2 April (4) 2005,
King Fahd bin abdul aziz (Mecca), leader of so called islam died in 1 August (8) 2005,
Ariel Sharon (Jerusalem), leader of Judaism died in 4 January (1) 2006.
This is nothing but a perfect Sign from GOD
.  Praise be to GOD. HE is doing everything.

They were in darkness because they rejected GOD`s Proofs.
They were in darkness while they were alive and they are still in darkness because they are dead.

3 + 2 + 4 + 2005 + 1 + 8 + 2005 + 4 + 1 + 2006 = 6039

Those who reject our proofs are deaf and dumb, in total darkness.

They all are in retribution now.

2,4 + 2005 + 1,8 + 2005 + 4,1 + 2006
= 6099 (19x321)

Those who have disbelieved GOD`s revelations........promise them a painful retribution.

They all believed the same thing ; the hellfire would not touch them except for a few days.
This is satanic doctrine in their own religion.

3 + 4,2 + 2005 + 8,1 + 2005 + 1,4 + 2006 = 6156 (19x324)


This is because they said, `The hellfire will not touch us, except for a few days.`
They were thus deceived in their religion by their own fabrications.

They all were the idol worshipers. They idolized Muhammed, Jesus, Saints, Prophets and other human beings.
They were against `One GOD`. They were against `GOD alone`.

2,4,2005 + 1,8,2005 + 4,1,2006 = 836019 (19x44001)

In the Quran, there is only one verse with Gv -
836 , with 19 letters. It is 1:5.

Only You, we worship. Only You, we ask for help.

There is only One GOD that should be worshiped and asked for help.

                                                                The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will , on 20 October (10) 2006
an earthquake measuring
5.2 on the Richter scale hit the city of Balikesir across the Marmara sea from Istanbul.
The time of the Quake was

It was in GOD`s plan and it was GOD`s will that I did write for the Quake as
not as
20-21.10.2006. This is a test from GOD. Now I shall explain step by step.

22:1 states the fact that how terrible the Hour of the Quake is,
this verse has the word "
Zelzele" in Arabic. Gv of this verse is 2567 in the Quran, 666.

666 + 221 + 2567 + 21 + 10 + 2006 = 5491 (19x289)

At this point, I declared the Prophecy of the Quake with the date of 21.10.2006
on the web site on
19 July (7) 2005.
After the Quake happened on
20 October (10) 2006, I realized that I missed a point.
It was GOD's will and it was in GOD's plan.

The number
54 points Sura The Moon and it points Lunar Calendar.
The number
91 points Sura The Sun and it points Solar Calendar.
The number
289 points the day (28) and the month (9) of Lunar Calendar
which corresponds with the day (
21) and the month (10) of Solar Calendar.
It gives
28.9.1427 in Lunar Calendar as the date of the Quake.

The Islamic day begins at Sunset. Therefore,
28.9.1427 starts at Sunset in 20.10.2006
and it proceeds to
21.10.2006. Briefly, 28.9.1427 is 20-21.10.2006.

The number I witnessed in the Quran is
468 21102006 666.

468 + 28 + 9 + 1427 + 20 + 21 + 10 + 2006 + 666 = 4655 (19x245)

245 is Gv of Holy Spirit, Gabriel.
the Qaf table that I delivered by GOD's will.
At the verse of
3:13 where mentions that GOD supports with His Victory,
Sura total is
468, Gv of the name of GOD's Messenger, Bahattin,
the letter Qaf total is
570, Gv of GOD's Messenger, Bahattin Uzunkaya
and the total of the word of GOD is
245, Gv of Holy Spirit, Gabriel.
GOD and by His will, Holy Spirit, Gabriel are with me (66:4)
That's why
it was divine inspiration and the Prophecy has been fulfilled.

666 + 221 + 28 + 9 + 1427 + 20 + 21 + 10 + 2006 = 4408 (19x232)

44:8....There is no other god beside Him.
He controls life and death ; your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors.

As a result, the Quake happened on
28.9.1427 in Lunar calendar
20.10.2006 in Solar Calendar,
as I prophesied, Bahattin Uzunkaya,
570 , by GOD's will.

666 + 221 + 2567 + 28 + 9 + 1427 + 20 +10 + 2006 + 570 = 7524 (684x11) (66x114) (19x396)

This is the Prophecy in
The Honorable Quran, 'el Quran el Kerim', 684,
which is the Book of
GOD with 114 suras.
39:6 states the fact that GOD is Creator. There is no other god beside Him.

666 + 22 + 1 + 2567 + 28 + 9 + 1427 + 20 +10 + 2006 + 570 = 7326 (666x11) (66x111) (1221x6)

This is the Prophecy in the Quran,
666 that glorifies GOD.
In daily Contact Prayers, we magnify
GOD , 111 times.
1221 is Gv of 74:30 and there is GOD's signature on His Prophecy.

22:1 has 39 letters.

221 + 2567 + 39 + 28 + 9 + 1427 + 20 +10 + 2006 + 570 = 6897 (19x363)

36:3 states the fact that GOD sent me, Bahattin Uzunkaya, 570 as His Messenger.

The time of the Quake was
21:15. Gv of 21:15 in the Quran is 2567.
Gv of both
22:1 and 21:15 is 2567.
Excluding Basmalah, there are
99 verses between 22:1 and 21:15. Sura 99 is The Quake.
Including Basmalah, there are
100 verses between 22:1 and 21:15. 100 is Gv of the letter Qaf.
In the
Qaf table, between 22:1 and 21:15, there are 91 times the letter Qaf in 60 verses in the Quran, 666.

666 + 91 + 60 = 817 (19x43)

8:17...GOD is doing everything

Praise be to GOD.
The knowledge of the Hour of the Quake is only with GOD
(33:63, 67:26).
GOD informed this future event, the Hour of the Quake to His Messenger
(3:179, 72:26-27).
And I warned with the Quran
(14:44). I warned accordance with divine inspiration (38:70, 46:9).
This is a
Miracle of GOD bestowed upon His Messenger (13:38, 40:78).
All Miracles come only from GOD. I am just a Messenger, a Warner

O disbelievers, hypocrites, GOD's enemies and my enemies,
GOD shows a
Miracle for the people who have attained certainty (2:118).
Even after this
Miracle, still there will be disbelievers (6:34-35, 109, 111).
Because all the proofs, The Miracle and the warnings can never help people who can't believe.
GOD's wrath shall be upon you. GOD shall destroy everything you have
and you shall die as a disbeliever then go to Hell. This is what you deserved (2:89,161, 3:87).

Believers, my brothers,
GOD bless the Believers. Believers are GOD's soldiers.
You deserve
GOD's Kingdom ,
if you are patient, fulfill your duties and live your life in peace with your faith.
Praise be to my Lord GOD supporting His Messenger and the Believers (37:171-173, 58:21).

                                      Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified