In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

DVD - The Message was distributed in 19 January (1) 2007 to as follows ;

Ahmed N. Sezer - 10 th President of Republic of Turkiye
AKP - Tayyip Erdogan
CHP - Deniz Baykal
MHP - Devlet Bahceli
DYP - Mehmet Agar
ANAP - Erkan Mumcu
Ali Bardakoglu - President of Religious Affairs
Yasar Buyukanit - Commander of Turkish Armed Forces
Best Journalists at the Newspapers ; Hurriyet, Sabah, Cumhuriyet, Milliyet


After delivering the Message on
19 January 2007,
the Chaos did begin between TSK (Turkish Armed Forces) and AKP, the Fundamentalist party on
28 April 2007.

29 April
2007 - Million Turks in Istanbul protested AKP, the Fundamentalist party and supported TSK.

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28 August 2007 - AKP mulishly elected Abdullah Gul as 11 th President.
This is the End of the Secularism in Turkiye, which was founded by M.K.Ataturk.
Now, it is in the hand of Idolizers, Disbelievers.
This is what this community deserved. As the Messenger of GOD, I have warned since 2000.
You should have believed in GOD's Messenger.

19 September 2007 - The Message - DVD is delivered to Abdullah Gul, 11 th President of Republic of Turkiye.
The Message - DVD is also delivered to Mahmud Ahmadinejad, 6 th President of Iran.
Iran is the center of the Shia sect of so called islam.

 The End

Republic of Turkiye, a Secular state, was founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in
GOD showed His Signature, the number 19 in his life and GOD supported him
because he did strive in the cause of GOD against idolizers, disbelievers and hypocrites.
It was GOD`s Sign (
Republic of Turkiye, a Secular state, lived 84 years. In the Quran, there are 84 times the number 19.
This is The End of a Secular state, Republic of Turkiye (
Now, it is in the hand of idolizers. This is The Beginning of a Fundamentalist state.
Terror did become the most important danger for the country (
This community is suffering just because of disbelieving GOD`s Message and His Messenger.

Download the Video - The End

                                      Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified