In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will , the Year 2279 is the Year of the Omen Day.

54:1 points the fact that The Hour is Near and the Moon has split.
The Hour is the hour of the End of the Moon.
Just before the End of the World,
year earlier is the Year 2279 that the Moon shall split.

Indeed, we have given you the Seven pairs, and the great Quran.((15:87) 

Seven Pairs (7 x 2 = 14) are 14 initials in the Quran.
Let’s add Gv. of these 14 different initials in the Quran. 

14 initials G.value
Qaf 100
Nun 50
Sad 90
Ha.Mim 48
Ya.Sin 70
Ta.He 14
Ta.Sin 69
Elif.Lam.Mim 71
Elif.Lam.Ra 231
Ta.Sin.Mim 109
Ayn.Sin.Qaf 230
Elif.Lam.Mim.Sad 161
Elif.Lam.Mim.Ra 271
Kef.He.Ya.Ayn.Sad 195

1709 is the Lunar year that the End of the Moon (9:36).

54:1 - The Hour is Near and the Moon has split.
There is
2 dimensional meaning in this verse.
First dimensional meaning is that
1969 is the year that The Moon has split.
This Prophecy had been fulfilled in July (7) 1969.
According to Hijr calendar, a Lunar calendar, it is Jumada1 (5) 1389 H.

There is a direct connection between the
splitting of the Moon and The Code 19.
Moon splitting is mentioned in Sura 54 and the number 19 is mentioned in Sura 74.
Between Sura 54 and 74, there are 19 suras.

Let's add the month and year of t
he splitting of the Moon according to the Lunar calendar ;

5 + 1389 = 1394

The year 1394 H. is 1974 AD.

It is the year the Miracle of 19 was discovered.

The Moon (kamer) and the Sun (sems) together occur 19 times in the Quran.
19 th word of the Moon (el kamer) placed in 54:1.
54:1 is 4845 th verse in the Quran and it is 1389 th verse from the end of the Quran excluding Basmalah ;

6234 - 4845 = 1389

1389 is the year in Lunar calendar of the
splitting of the Moon (54:1)
The code 19 is mentioned in Sura 74
where the word of the Moon (el kamer) is also mentioned (74:32).
54:1 has 3 times the letter Qaf, 100 and 74:32 has 1 time the letter Qaf, 100.
These 2 verses where the word of the Moon (el kamer) mentioned, have totally 4 times the letter Qaf, 100.
The Gv of the word of the Moon (el kamer) is 371.
Let's add these with the Quran, 666.

666 + 54,1 + 74,32 + 4,100 + 371 = 13110 (

It gives the year 1969 AD.

The word of Moon (kamer) occurs 27 times in the Quran.
25:61 mentiones as a Moon and our world has that kind of Moon.
Sidereal month of the Moon is 27 days.

No    Sura        Verse
----    ------         -------
1            6            77
2            6            96
3            7            54
4           10           5
5           12           4
6           13           2
7           14          33
8           16          12
9           21          33
10         22          18
11         25          61
12         29          61
13         31          29
14         35          13
15         36          39
16         36          40
17         39           5
18         41          37
19         41          37
20         54           1
21         55           5
22         71          16
23         74          32
24         75           8
25         75           9
26         84          18
27         91           2

Sura total  : 1019
Verse total : 747
Let's add these with the Quran, 666.

666 + 1019 + 747 = 2432 (19x128)

Without repeating, Sura total will be 861 and Verse total will be 710.
Within these verses, there is the word of Moon (kamer) and the Gv of the word `kamer` is 340.

861 + 710 + 340 + 27 = 1938 (

Within these verses, there is the word of The Moon (el kamer), 371 and it points out our Moon.

861 + 710 + 371 + 27 = 1969

It gives the year 1969 AD. , the splitting of our Moon.

In the table above, let's multiply sura and verse numbers.
41:37 has 2 times ; no 18 and no 19
19 is Gv. of 'vahida', One - 1.
When multiplying no 19, put no 1 for sura no 41.

No    Sura         Verse    Multiply
----    ------         -------    -----------
1            6            77           462
2            6            96           576
3            7            54           378
4           10           5               50
12           4               48
6           13           2               26
7           14          33            462
8           16          12            192
9           21          33            693
10         22          18            396
11         25          61          1525
12         29          61          1769
13         31          29            899
14         35          13            455
15         36          39          1404
16         36          40          1440
17         39           5             195
18         41          37          1517
19         (1)         37              37
20         54           1               54
21         55           5             275
22         71          16          1136  
23         74          32          2368
24         75           8             600
25         75           9             675
26         84          18          1512
27         91           2             182

Total :                             19326

Let's add the total with Gv of the word of the Moon (el kamer), 371.

19326 + 371 = 1969 7

It gives the month and the year of the
splitting of the Moon ; July (7) 1969

Apollo 11 is 1st lunar landing mission, launced on 16 July 1969,
the crew of Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Michael Allen Collins.
All of them were born in 1930.
The destination was Mare Tranquillitatis which is 19 letters.

These 7 paired letters used in 54:1 ; Elif(1),Ra(200),Sin(60),Ayn(70),Qaf(100),Lam(30),Mim(40),Nun(50),He(5)
Total value of these letters individually is 556.

54 + 1 + 556 = 6 11

Apollo has 6 letters ; Apollo 11

6 + 11 = 17

In 54:1, there are 17 letters which are 7 paired.
In 54:1, there are 5 letters which are out of 7 paired.
Eagle was Lunar module and touched down on the Moon.
Eagle has 5 letters.
The word of the Moon (el Kamer) has 5 letters and its Gv is 371.
3 + 7 + 1 = 11
Apollo 11 and its Lunar module, Eagle which has 5 letters.

Eagle has 5 letters and Gv of letter He
is 5 which is Prime no.
In Sura 54, there are 67 times the letter He, 5.
67 is 19 th prime number. 67 th number 19 in the Quran is at 74:30
In Sura 54, 19 th letter He is placed at 54:15 ; 54 + 15 = 69
It gives the year 1969 AD.

Gv of 54:15 is 1302 and it has 23 letters ; 54 + 15 + 1302 + 23 = 1394
It gives the year 1394 H. which is 1974 AD.
It is the year the Miracle of 19 was discovered.
Witnessed again that the direct connection between the
splitting of the Moon and The Code 19.

54:1 and 74:32 has definite connection.
In 54:1, there are 17 paired letters and total value of these letters is 990.
In 74:32, there are 8 paired letters and total value of these letters is 422.
Let's add these with Gv of the Moon (el kamer), 371 placed in these verses.

54 + 1 + 17 + 990 + 74 + 32 + 8 + 422 + 371 = 1969

It gives the year 1969 AD.

In 54:1, there are 5 out of paired letters and total value of these letters is 1108.
In 74:32, there are 1 out of paired letter and total value of it is 6.
Let's add these with Gv of the Moon (el kamer), 371 and the Quran, 666.

666 + 54 + 1 + 5 + 1108 + 74 + 32 + 1 + 6 + 371 = 2318 (19x122)

23:18 reveals the Tides of the Moon.
The gravitational force of the Moon causes strong tides on Earth especially in New Moon and Full Moon.
In 23:18, there are 54 letters and Sura 54 is the Moon.

In 54:1, there are 5 letters which are out of 7 paired and its value is 1108.

54 + 1 + 1108 = 1163

Apollo 11 ; Apollo has 6 letters ; Apollo 11 was made of 3 parts.
Apollo 11 had Columbia (Command module) and Eagle (Lunar module).
Apollo has 6 letters, Columbia has 8 letters and Eagle has 5 letters ; 6 + 8 + 5 = 19
Add this with the number 11 ; 19 + 11 = 30

Neil Armstrong set foot upon the Moon on 20 July 1969 ; 20 7 1969 (19x109051)

666 + 54 + 1 + 20 + 7 + 1969 = 2717 (19x143)

They collected 22 kg of rock samples and they brought them to Earth.
54:1 has 22 letters.

Apollo 11 had 8 days trip : 11 + 8 = 19

Sura 54 has 1084 letters wh
ich are 7 paired 1084 (271 x 4)
271 is Gv of America that fulfilled this Prophecy.

Sura 54 has Gv of 119214 (666x179)

This Quran guides to the best path, and brings good news to the believers who lead a righteous life,
that they have deserved a great recompense.

The Moon Split.1969....Watch the Video

By GOD's will, I deliver the Second dimensional meaning of
54:1 points the fact that The Hour is Near and the Moon has split.
The Hour is the hour of the End of the Moon.
Just before the End of the World,
year earlier is the Year 2279 (1709 H.) that the Moon shall split.

The number 309 has the relation with the End of the Moon (18:21) and it is mentioned in 18:25 as 300 + 9.
1969 was the year that The Moon had split.

1969 + 300 + 9 = 2278

2278 is the Last Year of the Moon and the Moon shall split in the Year 2279.

2279 is the year that The Moon shall split.
2279 is the year that the Sun and the Moon will crash into one another.
2279 is the year of the End of the Moon.
2279 is the year of the End of the Sun.

                                                  The Omen Day - 24.9.2279

In the Year 2279, there shall be 2 (Pair) the Moon Eclipses on 28.1.2279 and 24.7.2279.

The First Horn is blown.
The heavenly voice of the Angel created by GOD shall deliver the voice
from the High Heavens by GOD's commandment.
The sound waves shall affect the orbits of the Stars and the Planets, they shall fall out of their orbits.
All creations that created by GOD shall be horrified in the Heavens and the Earth.
From the High Heavens to the Earth, in succession,
the heavenly bodies, the Stars, the Planets, shall fall out of the orbits and crash into one another.
The Death of the Stars shall cause the Black holes which shall absorb heavenly bodies and clean the space.
Then the Black holes shall disappear and GOD shall substitude new Heavens.
The Humanity on Earth surely cannot see this Event happens at the Heavens, far from billion light years away,
but the Humanity on Earth shall hear this voice, sound. The reproduction is halted for all creatures on Earth.
Especially the wild animals such as Lions, Zebras, Elephants shall run into one spot. 
At the end, the sound waves shall reach the lowest, 7 th Heaven, our Galaxy and our Solar system,
the Sun and the Moon shall crash into one another.
When the Humanity shall witness this Prophecy, The Omen,
they shall try to escape but there is nowhere to escape.
After the crash, the Moon shall split and the masses of the Moon like the piled clouds shall hit the Earth.
The Moon finally shall be like a curved sword sheath. Falling fire balls shall hit the Land and the Sea.
The Earth shall fall out of its orbit.
The Earth shall stand still, one part of the Earth shall be at Night, another part shall be at DayLight.
The Heaven of Earth shall perish, the Earth's Magnetic field shall be gone,
the Quakes and Volcanoes shall happen continuously. There would be very clear sky which shall turn rose colored.
The fallen heavenly bodies shall hit the Earth.

The Moon Split.The Omen Day.2279....Watch the Video

                                                 The Omen Day - 6.10.2279

Abraham did settle his wife and his son, Ishmael in the valley of Becca.
GOD did reveal His Last Book, the Quran
to the lineage of Ishmael.
The Quran, 666 was revealed through Muhammed, belonged to the tribe of Quraish in 610 at Mecca.
It did start with the Quraish and it will end with the Quraish, 610.
After 12 days, from 24.9.2279,
the Fallen Masses shall hit and destroy Mecca on 6.10.2279.

Destroy Mecca.The Omen Day.2279....Watch the Video

Praise be to El Ilah, The Creator. Praise be to El Ra, The Power.
