In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

We should observe Contact Prayers for remembering GOD (
5:91, 20:14, 29:45).
We must utter our Contact Prayers in a moderate tone (17:110).
Every time we go through a motion and change our position , we magnify GOD by saying "
In the Quran,
17 : 111 says in arabic ; "Ve kebbirhu tekbira" , "And magnify Him constantly".
111 occurs 17 times in the Quran ;
There are
16 suras in the Quran with 111 or more verses and there is 1 sura number, Sura 111.
17 th occurence of 111 is the sura 111 which has 5 verses.
In our
5 daily Contact Prayers, we perform 17 units of prayers in which we magnify GOD, 111 times.

Morning Prayer consists of 2 units, Noon Prayer consists of 4 units, Afternoon Prayer consists of 4 units,
Sunset Prayer consists of 3 units, Night Prayer consists of 4 units.

2 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4 =

The number of times we magnify GOD by saying "
while performing our
17 units of the daily Contact Prayers is as follows :

Morning Prayers  : 7 , 6
Noon Prayers        : 7 , 7 , 6 , 6
Afternoon Prayers : 7 , 7 , 6 , 6
Sunset Prayers      : 7 , 7 , 6
Night Prayers        : 7 , 7 , 6 , 6

7 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 =

In our 5 daily Contact Prayers, we perform 17 units of prayers in which we magnify GOD, 111 times.

5 + 17 + 111 = 133  (19x7)

Gv of  "
Allahuakbar" ; 1 + 30 + 30 + 5 + 1 + 20 + 2 + 200 = 289
G.v of
17:111 is 5732.

5732 + 5 + 111 + 289 = 6137 (19x19x17)

In the Quran, "
Allahuakbar" is in 3 verses ; 9:72, 29:45, 40:10
Let's add these with Gv of "
Allahuakbar" , 289

9 + 72 + 29 + 45 + 40 + 10 + 289 = 494  (19x26)

Lets add these verse numbers with
5 daily Contact Prayers,
17 units of prayers and 111 times magnification by saying "Allahuakbar", 289

5 + 17 + 111 + 289 + 9 + 72 + 29 + 45 + 40 + 10  = 627  (19x33)

Let's add 17:111 above.

+ 17 + 111+ 289 + 17 111 + 9 72 + 29 45 + 40 10  = 25460  (19x1340)

The Morning Prayer is Fecr, made of 3 arabic letters ; F (80), C (3), R (200) ; G.v - 283
The Noon Prayer is Zuhr, made of 3 arabic letters ; Z (900), H (5), R (200) ; G.v - 1105
The Afternoon Prayer is Asr, made of 3 arabic letters ; A (70), S (90), R (200) ; G.v - 360
The Sunset Prayer is Maghrib, made of 4 arabic letters ; M (40), G (1000), R (200), B (2) ; G.v - 1242
The Night Prayer is Isa, made of 4 arabic letters ; A (70), Ss (300), E (1), Hamzeh (1) ; G.v - 372
Lets add the number of
the arabic letters :

3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 17

17 is the number of the units in our daily Contact Prayers.

times, 17 units, 17 letters, total Gv is 3362.

5 + 17 + 17 + 3362 = 3401 (19x179)

In our
5 daily Contact Prayers, 17 times we recite Sura 1, Praise. G.v of this Sura is 10143.

5 + 17 + 1014310165  (19x535)

5 daily Contact Prayers, at 17 times bowing position we utter "Subhane Rabbiel Azim".
G.v of this statement is

517 + 1383 = 1900 (19x100)

In the Quran, we can witness "
Subhane Rabbiel Azim" in 56:74-96 and 69:52
Gv of these 3 verses is

5 + 17 + 1383 + 567496 + 1526 + 1526 + 6952 + 1526  = 580431  (19x30549)

5 daily Contact Prayers, we fall prostrate 34 times and utter "Subhane Rabbiel Ala" .
G.v of this statement is

5 + 34 + 474 = 513  (19x27)

In the Quran, we can witness "Subhane Rabbiel Ala" in 87:1. Gv of 87:1 is 535.

871 + 535 + 5 + 34 + 474 = 19 19  (19x101)

5 daily Contact Prayers, 9 times we declare our "Shahadah".
The "Shahadah" that we utter in our daily Contact Prayers is made of  3 parts and
Gv of 3 parts
361 + 165 + 619  = 1145 

Eshedu en   -   La ilahe illa Allah    -    Vahdahu La SerikeLeh
361                    165                                          619

In the Quran, we can witness these parts.
We can witness the first part ( Gv.
361) in 3:52, 5:111, 7:172.
We can witness the second part ( Gv.
165) in 37:35, 38:65, 47:19.
We can witness the third part ( Gv.
619) in 7:70, 39:45, 40:12-84, 60:4 and 6:163.

Lets add all verses ;

3 + 52 + 5 + 111 + 7 + 172 + 37 + 35 + 38 + 65 + 47 + 19 +
7 + 70 + 39 + 45 + 40 + 12 + 84 + 60 + 4 + 6 + 163 = 1121
  ( 19 x 5 9 )

5 daily Contact Prayers, 9 times we declare our "Shahadah"

In our
5 daily Contact Prayers, 9 times we declare our "Shahadah", 1145.

5 + 9 + 1145 = 1159  (19x61)

Now, let's add the verse numbers with
5 daily Contact Prayers, 9 times we declare our "Shahadah", 1145.

5 + 9 + 1145 +
3 + 52 + 5 + 111 + 7 + 172 + 37 + 35 + 38 + 65 + 47 + 19 +
7 + 70 + 39 + 45 + 40 + 12 + 84 + 60 + 4 + 6 + 163 = 2280 (

5 daily Contact Prayers, in 17 units of prayers, we end our Salat by uttering "Selam aleykum".
G.v of this statement is

517 + 300 = 817  (19x43)

In the Quran, we can witness "
Selam aleykum"
in 6:54 (Gv.7412), 7:46 (Gv.3055), 13:24 (Gv.1733), 16:32 (Gv.4321),
28:55 (Gv.5791), 39:73 (Gv.7595).

5 17 300 + 654 + 7412 + 746 + 3055 + 1324 + 1733 + 1632 + 4321 + 2855 + 5791 + 3973 + 7595=


In our
5 daily Contact Prayers , we perform 17 units.
There are 6 parts in Contact Prayer ;
We magnify GOD by saying "
Allahu Akbar" (G.v : 289)
We recite Sura -
Praise (G.v : 10143)
While in bowing position, we say "
Subhane Rabbiel Azim" (G.v : 1383)
While in prostration, we say "
Subhane Rabbiel Ala" (G.v : 474)
We profess our Shahadah, "
Eshedu en  La ilahe illa Allah Vahdahu La SerikeLeh" (G.v : 1145)
We end our Contact Prayer by saying "
Selam aleykum" (G.v : 300)

Lets add these numbers :

5 + 17 + 289 + 10143 + 1383 + 474 + 1145 + 300 = 13756  (19x724)

The title of Sura
62 is Friday.
The Congregational Prayer in
Friday must be observed at Noon.
Azan is the calling people to GOD's Masjid.Download it.
Noon Prayer in Friday is 2 units in which 13 times we magnify GOD.
Friday we perform 15 units of prayers in which 98 times we magnify GOD.

Herewith, in the first
6 days we magnify GOD, 111 times.
On the
7 th day, Friday, we magnify GOD, 98 times.
In 6 days, 666 times (6x111) and the last day, 98 times (1x98) we glorify GOD
by saying Allahu Akbar (G.v 289).
GOD points out the crucial verse about the Contact Prayer at

17 111  +  666   +   98   +   289   =  18164 (19x956)

We glorify GOD, 764 times (666+98) in 7 days or 35 weekly Contact Prayers.
G.v of
17:111 is 5732. The Quran, 666 proves that
35 weekly Contact Prayers, we must say 764 times, "Allahuakbar" (289).

666 + 5732 + 35 + 764 + 289 = 7486  (19x394)

The number
394 is the Gv of 20:19.
According to the Revelation,
in this verse, the word of GOD is the number
162, Gv of "el salat", the Contact Prayer.

In the Quran,
764 th verse with Basmalah is 5:91

5:91..."The Devil wants to provoke animosity and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling,
and to distract you from remembering GOD and from observing
the Contact Prayers. Will you then refrain?"

the Contact Prayers as follows ;

1. Raise your hands to the sides of your face. Say "Allahuakbar"

2. In the standing position, recite Sura 1, "Praise"

   Elhamdülillahi rabbilalemiyn
    Maliki yevmiddiyn
    Iyyakenabüdü ve iyyakenestaiyn
    Sýratalleziyne enamte aleyhim, gayrilmaðdubi aleyhim veladdaliyn

3. Say "
Allahuakbar" to bow down (Ruku)

4. In the bowing (Ruku) position, say "
Subhane Rabbiel Azim" ( 3 times)

5. Say "Allahuakbar" to stand up

6. Stay in a second in the standing position and say "
Allahuakbar" to prostrate (Sucud)

7. In the prostration (Sucud) position, say "
Subhane Rabbiel Ala" ( 3 times)

8. Say "
Allahuakbar" to the sitting position.

9. Stay in a second in the sitting position and say "
Allahuakbar" to the second prostration position.

10. Say "
Subhane Rabbiel Ala" ( 3 times)

11. Say "Allahuakbar" to stand up for praying 2nd unit
      or in the sitting position to declare the
Shahadah if it is the end of 2nd unit ;
Eshedu en  La ilahe illa Allah Vahdahu La SerikeLeh"
      If this is the end of the Contact Prayer, after the
Shahadah ,
say "
Selam aleykum" while looking right and left in the sitting position.

In the Quran, the
times of Contact Prayer are explained in 3 verses ; 11:114, 17:78, 2:238
In 11:114,
3 times ; In 17:78, 1 time ; In 2:238, 1 time ; totally 5 times of Contact Prayer.

11:114 3 times of Contact Prayer are clarified.
"...observe the Contact Prayers at both sides of the Daytime and any time of the Night."
"ve akimissalate
tarafeyinnehar ve zulefen minelleyl"

Both sides of the Daytime is in Arabic, "tarafeyn nehar".
"Tarafeyn" means two sides and "Nehar" means the Daytime.
"Nehar" or the Daytime is the opposite of the Night or in Arabic "Leyl".
Two sides of the Daytime are ;
The time
beginning of the Daytime and the time ending of the Daytime.
Daytime begins with Dawn or "Fecr" and ends with Sunset or "Magrub".
Dawn and Sunset are the times of two sides of the Daytime.
Dawn Prayer and Sunset Prayer have been explained.

Let's look at the next in Arabic ;
"zulefen minelleyl"
One of the means of
"Zulefen" is Degree or range.
"Leyl" means the Night which is the opposite of "Nehar" or the Daytime.
According to the knowledge above,
the time
beginning of the Daytime is the time ending of the Night and
the time
ending of the Daytime is the time beginning of the Night.

The Daytime covers the Night and the Night covers the Daytime (3:27, 7:54, 22:61, 31:29, 36:37, 39:5).

The Night begins with Sunset or "Magrub" and ends with Dawn or "Fecr".
From the time
beginning of the Night , ie. Sunset
to the time
ending of the Night , ie. Dawn, it is creating a Degree for the Night.
That Degree of the Night is in Arabic, "Zulefen minelleyl" and it has 3 main parts.
1st part is from the beginning of the Night , ie. Sunset , till the darkness of the Night
where the light of the Sun has gone completely. It is called
Sunset or "Magrub"
2nd part is from the darkness of the Night till the beginning of Dawn.
It is called
Night or "Isa"
3rd part is from the beginning of Dawn to the ending of the Night or Sunrise.
It is called
Dawn or "Fecr"
1st part , Sunset (Magrub) and 3rd part , Dawn (Fecr) were explained before at "Both sides of the Daytime".
2nd part of that degree of the Night is the time that we should observe in Contact Prayer. 
Therefore, we should observe
Night Prayer (Isa Prayer)
any time from the beginning of the darkness of the Night where the light of the sun has gone completely
to the
beginning of Dawn.

For example , these are the times of the Contact Prayers in Istanbul - Turkiye

30/4/2001 - Monday

Dawn (Fecr)    Sunrise    Noon (Zuhr)     Afternoon (Asr)    Sunset (Magrub)     Night (Isa)

4:18                     6:04          13:01                     16:53                     20:00                   21:46

We should observe
Dawn Prayer and Sunset Prayer which are two sides of the Daytime.
Dawn Prayer is between 4:18 and 6:04 and Sunset Prayer is between 20:00 and 21:46.
We should observe
Night Prayer at any time between 21:46 and 4:18.

11:114 clarifies Dawn (Fecr), Sunset (Magrub) and Night (Isa) Prayers.

Lets add the Quran,
666 ,
sura and verse number ,
Gv of
Fecr , 283
Gv of
Magrub , 1242
Gv of
Isa , 372
and Gv of the word of
"el-Salat" (Contact Prayer) , 162     (1+30+90+30+6+5)

666 + 11 + 114 + 283 + 1242 + 372 + 162 = 2850 (19x150)

28:50..."If they fail to respond you, then know that they follow only their own opinions.
Who is farther astray than those who follow their own opinions
without guidance from GOD?
GOD does not guide such transgressing people."

Before looking at
in the
Qaf table, between 11:114 and 17:78, there are 361 (19x19) verses where the letter Qaf is placed.

17:78, 1 time of Contact Prayer is clarified.
"....observe the Contact Prayer when the sun declines from its highest point towards the midnight."
"ve akimissalate li dulukilissemsi, ila gasakilleyl"

"Dulukilissemsi" means Sun declining.
means the Midnight (darkness of the Night).
The Sun starts to decline
from its highest point at Noon.
As an example, in Istanbul,
the Sun starts to decline at 13:01.
This scientific process continues till Midnight.
In Istanbul, it continues
till 00:15 at Midnight which is in the darkness of the Night.
Therefore, in Istanbul,
Noon prayer is between 13:01 and 16:53.

5 th or the Middle Prayer is explained in 2:238 and 1 time of Contact Prayer is clarified.
"....observe the Contact Prayers, especially the Middle Prayer."
"alessalavati vessalatilvusta"

According to the knowledge above,
we have
Dawn (Fecr) and Noon (Zuhr) Prayers in the Daytime
and have
Sunset (Magrub) and Night (Isa) Prayers at Night as Contact Prayers.
Afternoon Prayer (Asr) fits in the Middle of these Prayers.
As an example, in Istanbul,
Afternoon prayer is between 16:53 and 20:00.

Middle prayer, Afternoon prayer is Asr, 360.
Lets add
sura, verse no with Afternoon (Asr) prayer, 360
and Gv of
"el-Salat" (Contact Prayer) , 162

2 + 238 + 360 + 162 = 7 62

Total verse no where the word of GOD placed at
7:62 is 666 19

The Afternoon
or in Arabic, "Asr", is one of the names of Sura 103 in the Quran.
"Vel Asr" in Arabic.

There is a perfect connection between 2:238 and 103:1
In the Quran (
2:238 is 245 th verse without Basmalah,
103:1 is 6175 th verse without Basmalah,
360, the Gv. of the word of "Asr".

666 + 2 + 238 + 245 + 103 + 1 + 6175 + 360 = 7790  (19x410)

Lets add sura - verse numbers of 
2:238 and 103:1 with 360, "Asr".

2  238 + 103 1 + 360 = 3629  (19x191)

Afternoon Prayer, Asr , 360 , we magnify GOD ; 7,7,6,6 times by utter "Allahuakbar", 289.
Lets add these with sura and verse numbers of
2:238 and 103:1

2 + 238 + 103 + 1 + 7766 + 289 + 360 = 8759  (19x461)

..."When they are told, 'Come to what GOD has revealed and to the Messenger'
you see the hypocrites, shunning you completely."

Let's look at 
3 verses together.
In the Quran,
666 ,
2:238 , there is 1 time of el-salat (162)..1x162= 162
11:114 , there are 3 times of el-salat (162).....3x162 = 486
17:78, there is 1 time of el-salat (162).....1x162 = 162

666 + 2238 + 162 + 11114 + 486 + 1778 + 162 =
16606 (19x874)

666    2238    162    11114    486    1778    162       (19x.................)

2:238 , Asr - 360
11:114 , Fecr - 283 , Magrub - 1242 , Isa - 372
17:78 , Zuhr - 1105

2238, 360 + 11114, 283, 1242, 372 + 1778, 1105 =
111,142,851,261,837   (19 x 5849623750623)

2238  360    11114  283  1242  372    1778  1105        (19x....................)

In the Quran,
In 2:238 , Asr - 360 and there are 41 letters in this verse.
11:114 , Fecr - 283 , Magrub - 1242 , Isa - 372 and there are 61 letters in this verse.
17:78 , Zuhr - 1105 and there are 65 letters in this verse.

666 + 2 + 238 + 360 + 41 + 11 + 114 + 283 + 1242 + 372 + 61 + 17 + 78 + 1105 + 65 =  

4655 (19x245)

You shall seek help through steadfastness and the Contact Prayers.
This is difficult indeed, but not so for the reverent."

2:238 as Asr - 360
11:114 as Fecr - 283 , Magrub - 1242 , Isa - 372
17:78 as Zuhr - 1105

and within these verses, there is only
1 word of GOD, 66 and there are 7 Qaf letters , 100.

2 + 238 + 360 + 11 + 114 + 283 + 1242 + 372 + 17 + 78 + 1105 + 1 + 66 + 7 + 100 =   3996 (666x6)

In the Quran,
666 ,
the times of el-salat,
162 , are at these verses ;
2:238 as Asr -

11:114 as Fecr - 283 , Magrub - 1242 , Isa - 372
17:78 as Zuhr - 1105

and within these verses, there is only
1 word of GOD, 66 and there are 7 Qaf letters , 100.

666 + 162 + 2238 + 360 + 11114 + 283 + 1242 + 372 + 1778 + 1105 + 1 + 66 + 7 + 100
                                                    19 494

The gematrical value of 2:238 is 2780, 11:114 is 5770 and 17:78 is 3912.
ithin these verses, there is only 1 word of GOD, 66 and there are 7 Qaf letters , 100.

2780 + 5770 + 3912 + 1 + 66 + 7 + 100 = 12636 (468x27)    (162x78)

468 is Gv of the name of GOD's Messenger, Bahattin and 162 is Gv of "el-salat", the Contact Prayer.
This is the Message I deliver about the Contact Prayer by GOD's will.


Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified