
                                The last 19 months for the Turkish society

Submit to GOD alone, worship GOD alone, follow the Quran alone.
Sever all your connections with the partners beside GOD and turn towards GOD alone.
The examples of idol worshiping which can be seen in every community,
urrounded this community by the hypnosis of Satan.

The followers of all religious sects and other pagan religions should leave their idols that they follow ;
especially the followers whose mentality exalted Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, should leave Kemalizm,
and the followers whose mentality exalted Prophet Muhammad, should leave Muhammadizm.
They should turn towards GOD alone and follow the book of GOD, this Quran alone.

You should study and search the Message of GOD and the Miracle of 19 in the Quran.
The real Submitters and Believers follow this Quran alone.
Do not be Devil’s advocate but be the supporters of GOD and deliver this Message to the people.

Beginning from tomorrow, 18 December 1997,
I make you, whoever read, receive and hear this and the people around you, responsible from this Message.
Whoever prevent this Message being delivered shall also be responsible.

My Lord, GOD shall do whatever He desires for the one and the society that disbelieve The Message.
Nobody can save Turkish society except GOD. The Time is gradually decreasing.