In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Message was delivered on 21 December 2002. Check it.
13 days fulfilled and after 76 (19x4) days from 3 January (1) 2003,
the War which will affect Turkiye negatively, did begin on
20 March 2003.

USA know very well that Saddam, Osama bin Ladin and the others planned
9/11, Saddam did want to take his revenge of 1991 Iraq war.
9/11, USA tasted what they did also ;
Once upon a time,
USA with CIA supported Osama bin Ladin against Russia.

Brothers, if you support evil, you will share it. One day, you shall face it.

GOD is putting USA in the Middle East.

In the Middle East, Satanic religions positioned. The Middle East did become Satan's playground.

6:65..."Say, `He is certainly able to pour upon you retribution above you, or from beneath your feet.
Or He can divide you in to factions and have you taste each others'

6:65 is 859 th verse with Basmalah in the Quran, 666.

666 + 6 + 65 + 859 = 1596 (19x84)

15:96 points that the ones who set up another god beside GOD, will surely find out.

In the Quran, there are
84 times the number 19 occurred.
19:84 specifies that GOD is controlling everything, preparing for them some preparation.
One verse earlier gives the fact of today's picture that
GOD did unleash the devils upon the disbelievers to stir them up (19:83).

..."We will throw Terror in to the hearts of those who disbelieved,
since they set up besides GOD powerless idols..."

The year 2003 shall serve a lesson for the disbelievers who believe that the Quran and its Proofs are clever magic!

The Quake did hit East of Turkiye on
1 May 2003 with 6.4 Richter scale.
The Quake on
1 May (5) 2003 was at East of Turkiye at 3:27 am.
The Quake on
17 August (8) 1999 was at West of Turkiye at 3:2 am.

1 + 5 + 2003 + 3 + 27 + 17 + 8 + 1999 + 3 + 2 =  4068

is the Gv of the name of GOD's Messenger, Bahattin.

In these minutes of Quake, GOD is controlling the Life and the Death.

40:68...He is the only One who controls life and death.
To have anything done, He simply says to it, "Be", and it is.

When the prophecy did come in
GOD did commmand to His creation,
the Quran, 666 to unveil the secret code
and purify itself by removing 9:128-129, Satanic verses.

                                                                                     Gematrical Value      Letters
Sura 74 , verse 1 : O you hidden secret                                     802                  11
Sura 74 , verse 2 : Come out and warn                                    1171                    7
Sura 74 , verse 3 : Extol your Lord                                            530                    8
Sura 74 , verse 4 : Purify your garment                                     833                  10
Sura 74 , verse 5 : Forsake what is wrong                                  536                  11
Sura 74 , verse 6 : Be content with your lot                              2157                  13
Sura 74 , verse 7 : Be patient for your Lord                               631                  10

74 ; number 7 is 4 th prime number.
The commandment has
7 verses. This sura is 4 th revelation.
Let's add Gv of 7 verses.

802 + 1171 + 530 + 833 + 536 + 2157 + 631 =
6660 (666x10)

74 is El-Muddessir (The Hidden Secret). Gv of El-Muddessir is 775.
Let's add this with Gv of El-Muddessir, 775.

6660 + 775 = 7435

74:35...This is one of the great ones (miracles).

GOD's commandment to the Quran has also shown a way to the secret code.
Let's add letters with Gv of 7 verses.

802 + 11 + 1171 + 7 + 530 + 8 + 833 + 10 + 536 + 11 + 2157 + 13 + 631 + 10 =
67 30

The number
67 is 19 th prime number.
The number
30 is 19 th composite number.
The secret code, the number
19 was placed at verse 30.
The number
19 at 74:30 is 67 th number 19 in the Quran.

Are all these clever magic or is this the perfectness of GOD ?

The ones who disbelieve GOD and His Messenger, call these clever magic as dictated in

Gv of 74:24 is
19 84. There are 19 letters in 74:24.

1984 + 19  = 2003

D. no :
6 : 32

It gives Muhammad's time of death,
Like today, at the time of Muhammad, the ones who disbelived GOD and His Messenger,
called the Quran clever magic.

74 is El-Muddessir. Gv of El-Muddessir is 775.
74:24 is
25 th verse including Basmalah and it has 19 letters.

775 + 74 + 25 + 19 = 893 (19x47)

47 is Muhammad.
Digital total is also

GOD is testing not only
the human beings, but also the jinns.
the Quran is not only for the human beings but also for the jinns.
Now, add the numbers at the diagram shown above   :

74 + 1 + 802 + 11 + 74 + 2 + 1171 + 7 + 74 + 3 + 530 + 8 + 74 + 4 + 833 + 10 +
74 + 5 + 536 + 11 + 74 + 6 + 2157 + 13 + 74 +7 + 631 + 10 =

                        72 76

72 is The Jin and Sura 76 is The Human.

When adding the result with the Quran,
666 ;

666 + 7276 = 7942 (19x418)

When you read
you shall witness that it is for Disbelievers among Jinns and human beings.
When you read
you shall witness that it is for Believers among Jinns and human beings.

The year
1974 is hidden at 74:52.
74:52 states the fact that disbelievers want to receive the proofs of the Quran personally.
There are many reasons for that ; money, power, status, jealousy, vanity.
However, GOD chooses whomever He wills to deliver the Message.
All you have to do is to submit to GOD's will, GOD's decision.
1974, the prophecy did come true. The number 19, secret code was unveiled.
Gv of 74:52 is
19 43. There are 31 letters in 74:52.

1943 + 31  = 1974

D. no :
6             D. total : 21

6:21..Who is more evil than one who
fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD,
rejects His revelations?
The transgressors never succeed.

As you can see, there are 2 verses (
74:24,52) contained the secret years (2003, 1974).
There are
19 letters in 74:24 and 31 letters in 74:52.
The amount of letters drive to the
verse numbers : 19 and 31.
Including  Basmalah, 74:19 and 74:31 are the ones should be examined.

74:31....Over it is 19

This is the verse where
67 th number 19 is placed.
It points out The Quran,
666, that has the number 19.
Gv of this verse is

74:19.... For he reflected , then decided.

This verse gives very impressive idea.
disbeliever shall think about the Quran and its proofs, then make a decision.
Certainly, he will make a negative decision and then say clever magic (

Gv of this verse is
Yes, indeed,
including Basmalah, 19 th verse of Sura 74 has Gv of 666.

74:19 and 74:31 has come to the point that
disbelievers can not believe the Quran, 666 and its Proof, 19.

Let's add Gv of 19 th verse,
666 ,
Gv of 31 th verse,
1221 ,
with Sura no,
74 and Gv of el-muddessir, 775.

74 + 775 + 666 + 1221 = 2736  (19x144) (684 x 4)

One more crucial year is hidden. This is the Prophecy. We shall wait and see.
That year has been hidden in 2 verses, that follow each other. These 2 verses give very crucial point.
That year will be very difficult for the disbelievers.
These 2 verses  ;
74:9  &  74:10

74:9....That is the day, it will be a difficult day,
74:10...For the disbelievers, not easy.

Total verse numbers ;
9 + 10 = 19

Gv of
74:9 is 1992. It has 16 letters.
Gv of
74:10 is 1991. It has 17 letters.

When adding Gv and the letters, both give the same result.
That year is ;

74:30....Over it is 19
This verse is also hiding that. It's Gv is
1221 and it has 12 letters.
Let's add these with Gv of El-Muddessir,

775 + 1221 + 12 2008

The future belongs to GOD.
By GOD's will, we shall witness. We shall wait and see (
10;20, 10:102, 20:135).

Including Basmalah, Sura
74 has 57 (3x19) verses.
Let's add the Gv of every
19 th letter in Sura 74.

40, 6, 1, 400, 100, 700, 10, 10, 1, 40, 1, 60, 4, 80, 40, 700, 1, 40, 1,
400, 1, 50, 20, 400, 1, 1, 6, 30, 1, 30, 10, 2, 30, 1, 1, 30, 100, 60,
10, 40, 1, 40, 600, 700, 30, 30, 200, 50, 4, 80, 50, 80, 1, 30

Total :                        
53 55

Which of your Lord's marvels can you doubt?

O you disbeliever, what is your answer to this question?
Is this a clever magic or is this the perfectness of GOD ?

Is there any difference between any disbeliever and Satan ?
Of course, not! Satan is the master of the disbelievers.
They are all brothers of Hell.

In the Qaf table,
5355 th Qaf letter is at 38:75.

38:75...He said "O Satan, what prevented you from prostrating before what I created with My hands ?
Are you too arrogant ?
Did you become an exalted one?"

Satan disobeyed GOD, did not prostrate before Adam, the human being, that GOD created with His hands.
This is the same for any disbeliever, disobeys GOD and His Messenger,
does not prostrate before the Quran, 666 , that GOD created with His hands.

Let's add this with the Quran,

666 + 3875 = 4541 (19 x 239)

2:39...As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations,
they will be residents of Hell, wherein they stay forever.

74 has 57 verses including Basmalah and it is 4 th revelation in the Quran, 666.
There are 1041 letters and Gv of Sura 74 is

666 + 4 + 74 + 57 + 87378 = 88179 (19x4641)

Let's look at the
digitals of 1041 letters in Sura 74.

D. no : 
1903 : 3633                  1903 + 3633 =  55 36
55:36...Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny ?

                                               Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified