In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


By GOD's leave, I shall present
8 Miracles for this Year, 2011.
By GOD's leave, this Year, there will be a very strong
Tornado on Earth and the Quake in Turkiye.

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will , I declare the Warning for the Days of

10.2.2011 , 26.4.2011 , 9.7.2011 , 19.7.2011, 11.9.2011, 17.9.2011, 8.10.2011, 30.10.2011.

                                                              The Secrets of 666

                                                                        The Iron

Iron is the element produce a magnetic field, iron's strength and it's ferromagnetic properties are a gift from GOD.
It's Group no is 8 and period no is 4.
It's atomic no is 26 and atomic weight is 56 ; 2+6+5+6=19
It occurs in the Quran at 57:25 ; 5+7+2+5=19

Including basmalah, it is placed in verse 26
which gives atomic no of Iron.
Iron means in arabic `Hadid` and it's Gv is 26 and it gives it's atomic number, 26.
In the Quran at 57:25, it occurs as `el Hadid` and it's Gv is 57 (19x3),
it gives the Sura no of Iron : Sura 57 - Iron
57 th composite no is 80 and 80 is Gv of letter Fe and Fe is symbol of element Iron.

19 th letter Fe, 80 is 741 (19x39) th letter in Sura 57.
Iron is coming from the word of Ferrum in Latin.
The letter Fe, 80 occurs first in verse 1 and letter 9 ; 19

The letter Fe, 80 occurs in 4 th word. Gv of the letters till 4 th word is 266 (19x14).
First letter Fe, 80 occurs in 4 th word, and in 9 th letter which has Gv of 256 till letter 9 ; 4 + 9 + 256 = 269
269 is 57 th prime no and it gives Sura 57 - Iron.
Gv of the verse 1 where the first letter Fe, 80 occurs is 2092 and verse 1 becomes verse 2 including basmalah.

57 2 + 2092 = 2664 (666x4)
4 is period no of Iron.

Sura 57 has 30 verses including basmalah and neutron no of Iron is 30.
Herewith, proton/electron no of Iron is 26, which is Gv of `Hadid`, Iron.

Let's add Gv of verses and letters till verse 12 including basmalah ; Total : 55,786
Now continue to add verse 13. The first word in verse 13 is `yevm` which has 3 letters and it's Gv is 56.
56 is atomic weight of Iron. Let's add this to total.

55,786 + 56 + 3 = 55,845

55,845 is Atomic mass unit of Iron and The Quran, 666 reveals it.
Next word after `yevm` in verse 13 is `terel` and it's Gv is 610.
Let's add these 2 words : `yevm`, 56 and `terel`, 610.

56 + 610 = 666 - The Quran

57:25 has the word of Iron , el hadid, 57 and it is 467 th word,
this verse has 468 th word in this sura.
468 th word is `fiyhi` and it's Gv is 95 (19x5).
468 is Gv of Bahattin, the name of GOD's Messenger.

In Sura 57 verse 1 has the word of `Bism` which is 1 st word and it's Gv is 102, Uzunkaya
and verse 24 has the word of `tesev` which is 429 th word and it's Gv is 468, Bahattin.

666 + 57 + 1 + 1 + 102 + 24 + 429 + 468 = 1748 (19x92)

This Quran, 666 , as strong as the Iron, given to Muhammed,
is in the hand of GOD's Messenger, Bahattin Uzunkaya.

Total Gv of Bahattin Uzunkaya is 570 (57x10) (19x30) and 570 th word in this sura is `biyed`, 16
and it means hand at verse 30 including basmalah.

Let's add 19 th letter in each verse in this sura : (30,30,10,10...........30,6)
There are 131 letters and total value is 12162 in sura 57.
Add these with 570, total Gv of GOD's Messenger.

57 + 131 + 12162 + 570 = 12920 (19x68x10)

1968 is the year that GOD's Messenger was born.
10 is the word of `Aser` at 74:30 and it's Gv is 570.

In Sura 57, 102 th letter is Vav, 6 and 468 th letter is 1, Elif.

102 + 6 + 468 + 1 = 577
102,6 + 468,1 = 5707

57:7 points out ; `Believe in GOD and His Messenger`
577 is Gv of 50:1 , points out the Miracle of Qaf that I delivered by GOD's leave.
577 th letter in Sura 57 is Qaf, 100 which is 7 th letter Qaf in this Sura.
19 th letter Qaf,100 is 911 th letter in Sura 57 with 30 verses including Basmalah.

19 + 100 + 911 + 57 + 30 = 1117

1117 th word of GOD occurs in 9:11.
I am the Witness from GOD (11:17).

At 38:70, total Gv of Last 3 words : 52 + 960 + 102 = 1114 : 3 + 1114 = 1117

The word of `Aser`, 570 means 10 (70 300 200) and in the Quran, this pattern (70 300 200) occurs 19 times.
Within 19 verses, sure total is 354, verse total is 1624.
There are 76 times the letter Ayn, 70 , 36 times the letter Shin, 300, 95 times the letter Ra, 200
Add these with 570, total Gv of GOD's Messenger.

354 + 1624 + (70x76) 5320 + (300x36) 10800 + (200x95) 19000 + 570 = 37668 (258x146)

258 - Abraham

I am the Messenger of GOD and I do belong to the lineage of Abraham.

In Sura 57, The Iron, `el hadid`, 57 has 2519 letters, 578 words including basmalah.

57 + 57 + 2519 + 578 = 3211

3211 is Gv of 7:62 which points that GOD's Messenger delivers you the Messages of his Lord.
7:62 has the number 666,19 , total verse no where the word of GOD occurred.

In this Sura, verse 25 has the word of `el hadid`, 57 (19x3).
19 is 10 th odd no and 30 is 15 th even no.
10 + 15 = 25
Let's add 25 th letter in each verse in this sura :

Total ; 19 30

19 is 10 th odd no and 30 is 15 th even no.
19 + 10 + 30 + 15 = 74
19 th composite no is 30 and number 19 is placed at verse 30 in Sura 74.
There are 29 numbers above.

25 + 29 + 1930 = 19 84

There are 84 times the number 19 in the Quran.

In Sura 57 verse 1 (First) has 19 letters (Basmalah) and verse 30 (Last) has 84 letters.

Sura 57 has 29 verses and number 57 is 29 th odd no.
In sura 57, there are 2500 letters and the word of Iron (el hadid) occurs in verse 25.

Let's add the first 19 letters for each verse : Total is 35985. Add this with the Quran, 666.

666 + 35985 = 36651 (19x1929)

GOD is the Alpha and the Omega (57:3)
This verse has 40 letters, 9 words ; 57 + 3 + 40 + 9 = 109
1 and 9, The Alpha and the Omega.
The letter Elif, 1 occurs 9 times in this verse.
The letter Ti, 9 occurs 1 time in this verse.

666 + 57 + 3 + 1,9 + 9,1 = 836 (19x44)

Gv of this verse (57:3) is 2689 and there are 9 words.
2689 + 9 = 2698 (19x142)...times of the word of GOD in the Quran.
The letter Elif, 1 occurs 9 times : 3,5,9,11,12,16,22,25,36 th letters
Total is 139 and it is the Gv of the word of `el hak`, the Truth.
The letter Ti, 9 occurs 1 time : 26 th letter
Total is 26
139 + 26 = 165 - Gv of `Lailaheillallah` -There is no other god beside GOD

In Sura 57, let's add 1st letters and 9 th letters.
Total of 1st letters is 1027 and total of 9th letters is 1869.

666 + 57 + 1 + 1027 + 9 + 1869 = 3629 (19x191)

19 is 8 th prime no and let's add first 8 numbers in prime and composite no.
1 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 4 + 7 + 9 + 5 + 11 + 10 + 6 + 13 + 12 + 7 + 17 + 14 + 8 + 19 + 15 = 191

In Sura 57, there are 72 times the letter Fe, 80 ; 72 + 80 = 152 (19x8)

57 30 + 5760 (72x80) = 11490 (383x30)

383 is Gv of 'el Kuran', The Quran and 30 is neutron no of Iron.

Sura 57 is the Iron which points the strength and the power,
The Quran, 666 is as strong as the Iron and GOD has given it to His Messenger

                                                                 1st letters in the Quran

Let`s add the First (1) letters in the Quran including Basmalah.
Total of first letters at the verse of 269 is 12654 (666x19) ; The Quran, 666 and its Code, 19
269 th verse is 2:261 and it has 94 letters in the Quran, 666.

666 + 2 261 + 94 = 3021 (19x159)

15:9...Absolutely we have revealed the reminder, and absolutely we will preserve it.

As the Messenger of GOD, I, 570 delivered the Message to my people and it was issued publicly in 1998.

666 + 2 + 261 + 94 + 269 + 570 = 1862 (19x98)

My people did ignore the Message ; The Quran, 666 and its code 19
19 months later, in the year of 1999, the Quake hit my people.

2 + 261 + 94 + 269 + 570 + 666 + 19 = 1881 (19x99)

Total of first letters at the verse of 653 is 28234 (19x1486).
653 th verse is 4:157 and it has 128 letters, its Gv is 8275.
The verse is about Jesus, 150.

666 + 4 157 + 8275 + 128 + 150 = 13376 (19x704)

70:4 indicates the fact that like the Angels and the Spirit, Jesus did climb to GOD.
They didn't kill Jesus, they just killed the body of Jesus.
The body is just a garment of this world.
GOD raised the soul of Jesus which is the real personality to Himself (3:55).

666 + 70 4 + 150 = 1520 (19x80)

19:80 indicates the fact that Jesus returned to GOD.

4 + 157 + 653 + 8275 + 128 + 150 = 9367 (19x493)

4:93 indicates the fact that whoever helped, supported killing Jesus shall go to Hell.

Total of first letters at the verse of 662 is 28595 (19x1505)
662 th verse is 4:166 where Uzunkaya, 102 is coded. Check it.
The Gv of this verse is 1938.
Miraculously, next result with multiple of 19 is after 7 verses at 669 th verse.
Total of first letters at the verse of 669 is 28728 (19x1512)
669 th verse is 4:173 where Bahattin, 468 is coded.
The Gv of this verse is 8049.

666 + 662 + 4 + 166 + 1938 + 669 + 4 + 173 + 8049 + 570 = 12901 (19x679)

67:9...They would answer, "Yes in fact, a Warner did come to us, but we disbelieved
and said, 'GOD did not reveal anything. You are totally astray.' "

666 + 662 + 4 166 + 669 + 4 173 + 570 = 10906 (19x574)

57:4 indicates the fact that GOD, 66 created the Universe in 6 days.
GOD, 66 created the Quran, His Book on 6 th day.
On the 6 th day, GOD's Creation, His Book was ready.
That's why the numerical identity of the Quran is 666.
57:4 has 132 letters and its Gv is 10309.

57 + 4 + 10309 + 66 + 6 = 10442 (454 x 23)

454 is Gv of 'Kuran Mubin', 'a Profound Quran'.

57 + 4 + 10309 + 132 + 66 + 6 = 10574 (622 x 17)

622 is Gv of 'Kuran Kerim' , 'an Honorable Quran'.

23:17 indicates the fact that GOD created the Universe as 7 Heavens.

666 + 57 + 4 + 132 + 66 + 6 = 931 (19x7x7)

On the 7 th day, the Universe with 7 Heavens and the Earth was ready and
GOD created the Human Beings and the test for the Creatures of GOD did begin.
That's why there are 7 Pairs, 14 different initials in the Quran.
These 14 different initials give the year 1709 H.-2280 M., the End of the World.
When the world ends, the test ends for the Creatures of GOD.

Total of first letters at the verse of 751 is 30913 (19x1627).
751 th verse is 5:78 which has 69 letters and its Gv is 4051.
The verse indicates the fact that both David, 15 and Jesus, 150
condemned the disbelievers among the Children of Israel.
Both delivered the same Message :

15 + 150 = 165

165 is Gv of 'La ilahe illALLAH', there is no other god beside GOD.
At the time of David and Jesus, there were the disbelievers.
At the time of Jesus,
Pharisees, the fundemantalist Jews provoked Romans in order to kill Jesus.

666 + 5 78 + 69 + 4051 +  15 + 150 = 5529 (19x291)

2:91 indicates the fact that the disbelievers among the Children of Israel
were the ones who killed the Prophets of GOD.
Total of first letters at the verse of 897 is 38475 (19x2025)
897 th verse is 6:103 which has 41 letters and its Gv is 2579.
The verse indicates the fact that GOD, 66 is Invisible but Cognizant.
103 is Gv of 'Iblis', Satan who was the one did not understand this quality of GOD.
This ignorance drived him to think that he can be a god then became an enemy of GOD.

666 + 6 + 103 + 2579 + 66 = 3420 (19x180)

34:20 indicates the fact that Satan on Earth finds easily the one who makes a god,
this is what Satan's expectation.

6 + 103 + 41 = 150

150 is Gv of Jesus.

666 + 6 + 103 + 897 = 1672 (19x88)

19:88 indicates the fact that they fulfilled Satan's expectation, they made Jesus a son of GOD,
they idolized Jesus and became enemies of GOD.

Total of first letters at the verse of 975 is 42484 (19x2236)
975 th verse is 7:15 which has 16 letters and its Gv is 1573.
The verse indicates the fact that 'Iblis', 103 (7:11) is granted a respite.

7 + 15 + 1573 + 103 = 1698

16:98...When you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in GOD from Satan the rejected.

From the End of the Quran, 114:6 to the Beginning of sura 9 including Basmalah, 
there are
1698 times the word of GOD. 16:98 points out the fact that when we read the Quran,
we shall seek refuge in GOD from
Satan the rejected.
That’s why
GOD did not place Basmalah at the beginning of Sura 9 because He knows the Future,
He did know that Satan and his followers would have added Satanic verses at Sura

975 + 7 15 + 16 + 1573 + 103 = 3382 (19x178)

17:8 indicates the fact that the disbelievers shall go to Hell with Satan.

Total of first letters at the verse of 2083 is 97508 (19x5132)
2083 th verse is 17:41 and its Gv is 3199.
The verse points out this Quran, 'hazel Kuran', 1089 and this Quran is 666.

2083 + 17 41 + 3199 + 1089 + 666 = 8778 (19x462)

46:2...The revelation of this scripture is from GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise.

Total of first letters at the verse of 2131 is 99351 (19x5229)
2131 th verse is 17:89 which has 54 letters and its Gv is 3916.
The verse points out this Quran, 'hazel Kuran', 1089 and this Quran is 666.

17 + 89 + 54 + 1089 + 666 = 1915 (383x5)

383 is Gv of 'el Kuran', the Quran.
Witness how it reveals GOD's Messenger, Bahattin Uzunkaya (468 102).

2131 + 17 + 89 + 54 + 3916 + 1089 + 666 + 468 102 = 476064 (19x25056)

25:56...We have sent you as a deliverer of good news as well as a warner.

Total of first letters at the verse of 2741 is 138092 (19x7268)
2741 th verse is 23:49 and its Gv is 1822.
The verse indicates the fact that GOD did give Moses the scripture.

666 + 2741 + 23 + 49 + 1822 = 5301 (19x279)

2:79 indicates the fact that they distorted the scripture with their own hands.

Total of first letters at the verse of 2879 is 142633 (19x7507)
2879 th verse is 25:3 which has 93 letters and its Gv is 6895.
The verse points out the gods beside GOD.

2879 + 25 + 3 + 93 = 3000 (150x20)

150 is Gv of Jesus. Many people idolized Jesus and made him a god, a lord, a saviour.
They invented Trinity and made Jesus, a son of GOD.

2879 + 25 3 + 93 + 6895 = 10120 (92x110)

92 is Gv of Muhammed. Many people idolized Muhammed.
They put the name of Muhammed beside the name of GOD
in their mosques, in their prayers. 

Total of first letters at the verse of 3825 is 186010 (19x9790)
3825 th verse is 37:4 and its Gv is 195.
The verse indicates the fact that there is only One God.

666 + 37 4 + 195 = 1235 (19x65)

65 is Gv of 'huve ilahu vahid', He is One God

Total of first letters at the verse of 4774 is 233225 (19x12275)
4774 th verse is 51:52 and its Gv is 3261.
The verse points out the Messenger.
Let's add the name of the Messenger, Bahattin, 468.

666 + 4774 + 51 + 52 + 3261 + 468 = 9272 (19x488)

48:8...We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news and a warner.

Total of first letters at the verse of 4853 is 236284 (19x12436)
4853 th verse is 53:20 and its Gv is 2016.
The verse points out Menat, the third idol at the time of Muhammed.
GOD sent Angel Messengers to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah
where GOD's prophet and messenger Lot was living.
After that historical event, idol worshipers did give the Angels feminine names to honor them
and evade the wrath of GOD (43:19, 53: 21, 23, 27).

666 + 53 + 20 + 2016 = 2755 (19x145)

27:55 points out Homosexuality at evil communities, Sodom and Gomorrah.

Total of first letters at the verse of 4869 is 237576 (19x12504)
4869 th verse is 53:36 which has 20 letters.
The verse points out GOD's Book given to Moses.
Gv of Moses is 116.

666 + 53 36 + 116 = 6118 (19x322)

32:2...The book is, without a doubt, a revelation from the Lord of the Universe.

GOD's Book given to Moses had also the Code 19
but the disbelievers, idol worshipers among the Children of Israel distorted it (2:53, 185, 3:4, 25:1).
Moses did write on the Tablets by GOD's commandment.

The Tablet in Arabic is 'Levha' and its verses :

7:145 is 1105 th verse, it has 88 letters and its Gv is 7390
7:150 is 1110 th verse, it has 169 letters and its Gv is 13956
7:154 is 1114 th verse, it has 62 letters and its Gv is 6908
85:22 is 6012 th verse, it has 10 letters and its Gv is 1168

7 + 145 + 88 + 7 + 150 + 169 + 7 + 154 + 62 + 85 + 22 + 10 = 906 (302x3)

302 is Gv of 'Israel' (10:90)

7 + 145 + 1105 + 7 + 150 + 1110 + 7 + 154 + 1114 + 85 + 22 + 6012 = 9918 (19x522)

52:2...The recorded Scripture

5:22 indicates the fact that at the time of Moses,
the Children of Israel disobeyed GOD's commandment
and GOD did forbid the holy land for 40 years for the Children of Israel.

666 + 7 + 145 + 1105 + 150 + 1110 + 154 + 1114 + 85 + 22 + 6012 = 10 570 (302x35)

The number 10 in Arabic is 'Aser' and its Gv is 570 (19x30),
it is also the total Gv of GOD's Messenger Bahattin (468) Uzunkaya (102), 570.
The number 19 is mentioned at the verse of 30 at Sura 74.
The number 19 is the Prime, the Code, the Proof of the Quran, 666.
The number 19 was also in the Tablets at the hand of Moses, given to the Children of Israel.

The Gv of 'Levha', the Tablet is 76 (19x4) at the verses of 7:145, 150, 154.

666 + 7 + 145 + 1105 + 76 + 7 + 150 + 1110 + 76 + 7 + 154 + 1114 + 76 = 4693 (19x247)

2:47...O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I bestowed upon you
and that I blessed you more than any other people.

666 + 7 145 + 1105 + 88 + 7390 + 7 150 + 1110 + 169 + 13956 + 7 154 + 1114 + 62 + 6908 = 54017 (19x2843)

28:43 indicates the fact that GOD did give Moses the Scripture
to provide guidance and mercy for the people, that they may take heed.

Finally, the total of the 1 st letters in this Quran is 315621.
This Quran in Arabic is 'hazel kuran' (6:19) and its Gv is 1089.

1 + 315621 + 1089 = 316711 (19x16669)

The Quran, 666 is surrounded with the numbers of 1 and 9, the number 19.
666 is This Quran.

666 + 1089 + 315621 =  317376 (19x16704) (684x464)

684 is Gv of 'el kuran el kerim', the Honorable Quran.

The number 666 is written mathematically as :
Math   : 6 x 100 , 6 x 10 , 6 x 1
                600          60        6
Arabic :    Hi          Sin       Vav

In the Quran, there are 2497 times the letter Hi, 600
there are 6123 times the letter Sin, 60
there are 25675 times the letter Vav, 6

2497 + 6123 + 25675 = 34295 (19x19x19x5)

In the Quran, 666,
there are only 4 verses that this pattern can be witnessed as
Hi Sin Vav or 600 60 6
These 4 verses are 7:85, 11:15, 11:85, 26:183.

666 + 7 + 85 + 11 + 15 + 11 + 85 + 26 + 183 =1089

1089 is Gv of 'hazel kuran', This Quran.

7:85 is 1045 th verse and it has 154 letters.
11:15 is 1495 th verse and it has 61 letters.
11:85 is 1565 th verse and it has 73 letters.
26:183 is 3137 th verse and it has 42 letters.

666 + 7 85 + 1045 + 154 + 11 15 + 1495 + 61 + 11 85 + 1565 + 73 + 26 183 + 3137 + 42 = 37506 (19x1974)

The Proof, The Prime and The Code of the Quran, 666 , the number 19
was revealed in the Year of 1974.

There are only 3 verses have Gv of 666.
These are 7:121, 26:47 and 74:18.
7:121 is 1075 th verse, 26:47 is 2977 th verse and 74:18 is 5511 th verse in the Quran.

7 + 121 + 1075 + 26 + 47 + 2977 + 74 + 18 + 5511 = 9856 (352x7x4)

352 is Gv of 'Kuran', Quran.

7 121, 1075 + 666 + 26 47 + 2977 + 666 + 74 18 + 5511 + 666 = 28747 (19x1513)

15:13 points out that disbelieving people can't believe in GOD's Messenger.
Gv of 15:13 is 1583 in the Quran, 666.

666 + 15 13 + 1583 = 3762 (19x198) (66x57)

57 is Gv of the word `meciyd`, Glorious.
GOD (66) is Glorious (57).

Including Basmalah, 7:121 is 1081 th verse, 26:47 is 3001 th verse and 74:18 is 5583 th verse in the Quran.

7 + 121 + 1081 + 26 + 47 + 3001 + 74 + 18 + 5583 = 9958 (383x26)

383 is Gv of The Quran, 'el Kuran'.

7:121 has 997 th word of GOD, 26:47 has 1795 th word of GOD, and 74:18 has 2669 th word of GOD,
in the Quran, 666.

666 + 7 121 + 997 + 26 47 + 1795 + 74 18 + 2669 = 23313 (19x1227) (409 x 57)

57 is Gv of the word `meciyd`, Glorious.
409 is Gv of `el Kuran el mecid`, the Glorious Quran.

7:121 is 1075 th verse, 1081 th verse including basmalah and has 997 th word of GOD,
26:47 is 2977 th verse, 3001 th verse including basmalah and has 1795 th word of GOD,
74:18 is 5511 th verse, 5583 th verse including basmalah and has 2669 th word of GOD.

7 + 121 + 1075 + 1081 + 997 + 666 + 26 + 47 + 2977 + 3001 + 1795 + 666 + 74 + 18 + 5511 + 5583 + 2669 + 666 =
                                                              26980 (2698x10) (19x1420)

There are 2698 times the word of GOD in the Quran, 666.

Within these 3 verses, totally there are 50 letters (20+20+10).
The letter Qaf is the first letter of the Quran and it is placed in Sura 50 - Qaf.
Sura and verse digital total ; 7+1+2+1+2+6+4+7+7+4+1+8 = 50

Within these 3 verses, there are 3 times the letter Vav, 6 : Triple 6 (666)

Within these 3 verses, there are 14 (7 pairs) letters.
There are 13 times 1 (Elif), 4 times 2 (Be), 1 time 4 (Dal), 1 time 5 (He), 3 times 6 (Vav),
2 times 10 (Ya), 1 time 20 (Kef), 6 times 30 (Lam), 4 times 40 (Mim), 5 times 50 (Nun), 2 times 70 (Ayn),
1 time 80 (Fe), 3 times 100 (Qaf), 4 times 200 (Ra)

14 +
13,1 + 4,2 + 1,4 + 1,5 + 3,6 + 2,10 + 1,20 + 6,30 + 4,40 + 5,50 + 2,70 + 1,80 + 3,100 + 4,200 = 9952 (622x16)

622 is Gv of `Kuran Kerim`, Honorable Quran.

10.2.2011 - The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will ,
on 10 February (2) 2011 , 7 Quakes did occur.
Measuring 5    on the Richter scale hit Alaska at 12:39.
Measuring 5    on the Richter scale hit Bonin islands near Japan at 13:04.
Measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit Vanuatu at 1:51.
Measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale hit Russia at 12:35.
Measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 22:03.

Measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale hit Celebes Sea near Philippines at 22:39.
Measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale hit Celebes Sea near Philippines at 22:41.

By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.


By GOD's Leave, I prophesy the
Quake at the Hour of 12:12 for the Day of 26.4.2011.

26.4.2011 - The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will ,
on 26 April (4) 2011 , 7 Quakes did occur.
Measuring 5    on the Richter scale hit Japan at 6:14.
Measuring 5    on the Richter scale hit Japan at 21:12 (12:12 UTC)
Measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Tonga at 13:12.
Measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit Vanuatu at 1:38.
Measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit Mexico at 6:07.

Measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale hit Java, Indonesia at 13:39.
Measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale hit Gulf of California at 14:10.

By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.
By GOD's Leave, the Quake at the Hour of 12:12 UTC, as I prophesied before, happened in Japan.
This is the Glory of GOD and His Messenger.

9.7.2011 - The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will ,
on 9 July (7) 2011 , 7 Quakes did occur.
Measuring 5    on the Richter scale hit Indonesia at 22:57

Measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale hit Mexico at 7:42
Measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Fiji at 11:31
Measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit Kermadec islands at 12:53
Measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit Tonga at 20:08
Measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale hit Banda Sea at 14:51
Measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale hit Tonga at 19:53
By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.

19.7.2011 - The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will ,
on 19 July (7) 2011 , 7 Quakes did occur.
Measuring 5    on the Richter scale hit Indonesia at 12:18

Measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale hit Kermadec islands at 14:20
Measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale hit Ionian Sea at 10:13
Measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Kermadec islands at 4:03
Measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Kuril islands at 5:15
Measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Fiji islands at 19:15
Measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 10:38
By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.

11.9.2011 - The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will ,
on 11 September (9) 2011 , 1 Quake did occur.
Measuring 6 on the Richter scale hit Vanuatu at
10:37 Local time (12.9.2011), 23:37 UTC time (11.9.2011)
By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.

17.9.2011 - The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will , on 17 September (9) 2011 , 9 Quakes did occur.
Measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 4:39
Measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale hit Kuril Islands at 20:59
Measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 6:11
Measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 8:40
Measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 7:36

Measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale hit Vanuatu at 5:23

Measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 16:33

Measuring 6    on the Richter scale hit Japan at 7:8
Measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 4:26
By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.

On the Day of 11 September with 6 magnitude Quake and on the Day of 17 with 6 and 6.6 magnitude Quakes :
11:17 indicates the fact of the Witness and within 2 (Pair) Days , witness 3 Six (6) : 666, The Quran

On the Day of 11 September with 1 Quake and on the Day of 17 with 9 Quakes    : 19

8.10.2011 - The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will , on 8 October (10) 2011 , 4 Quakes did occur.
Measuring 5 on the Richter scale hit South of Kermadec islands at 12:14
Measuring 5 on the Richter scale hit Kuril Islands at 12:44
Measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale hit Indonesia at 14:38
Measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale hit Tonga at 21:53
By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.

30.10.2011 - The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will , on 30 October (10) 2011 , 7 Quakes did occur.
Measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale hit Pacific Ocean at 20:45
Measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Japan at 15:24
Measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit New Guinea at 12:10
Measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale hit Taiwan at 12:23
Measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale hit Indonesia at 18:52

Measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale hit Chile at 15:53
Measuring 6    on the Richter scale hit Alaska at 22:16
By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.


By the Will of El Ra,
We all witnessed the Miracles and the Prophecies that I declared at the beginning of this Year.
We all witnessed
8 Miracles, the Days of the Quran, 666 , for this Year, 2011.
We all witnessed the
Victory : On 11.2.2011, I prophesied the Quake at the Hour of 12:12 for the Day of 26.4.2011
and it happened at the prophesied Day and Hour in Japan by GOD's Leave.
We all witnessed the Strong

On 27-28 April, the deadliest Tornado hit, destroyed the States in USA
and killed 340 people. This is the Longest Run Tornado in American history.

We all witnessed the Quake in Turkiye. I prophesied as 17.9.2011
the Quake happened 36 (6x6) days later on 23.10.2011.

I witnessed the Quake of Japan in another Dimension at the Codex of 666
where I witnessed the Day of 11.3.2011 and the Hour of 5:46 UTC.

The Year 2011 - HD.....Download the Video

                                           Praise be to El Ilah, The Creator. Praise be to El Ra, The Power.