In the Name of GOD,  Most Gracious, Most Merciful


I published The Quran, 666, the first version of Turkish translation
and the book about the Code
19 in 1995 (19x105) by GOD's will.

1997, by GOD's will, I witnessed a date of
 29.7.1999, while I was studying on the Project  8 - 7 - 19.
After this,
on 17.12.1997, I warned the people for this Deadline and gave them 19 months.
I delivered the Message by Fax to all Turkish Media and other related people.Check it.
I advertised the Warning in Hurriyet newspaper at the page of
30, on 18.12.1997.Check it.
Then I made an interview with 'Artý Haber' Magazine, the best selling one in Turkiye.
It is published on
17.1.1998 and the Message was on the Cover of the magazine.Download it.
The advertisement was on the TV channels for
7 days.Download it.
The length of the advertisement is 17 seconds. The number 17 is 7 th prime number.
It is the number of both the day the magazine published (
and also the day the Quake happened in Turkiye  (

19 months, GOD's retribution, the Quake with 7.4 Richter scale hit Turkiye
in Izmit - Golcuk which is 80 km far from Istanbul.
The day was
17.8.1999 , the hour was 3:2 am. It lasted 45 seconds that I witnessed (48:8).

Between 17.1.1998 , the Message and warning delivered with the Artý Haber magazine
17.8.1999, the Quake happened, there is exactly 19 months.

Between 17.12.1997 , the Message delivered by Fax and the Warning advertised
17.8.1999, the Quake happened, there is exactly 19 months and 30 days ; Totally, 608 days (19x32)

Richter scale,
7.4 points Sura 74. The number 19 is placed at the verse of 30 in Sura 74 ;74:30...Over it is 19

29.7.1999 , the Deadline that I witnessed and 17.8.1999, the Quake happened, there is exactly 19

It was an awesome day and hour. Here is the Pictures ; Download it.
After the Quake, some part of the place called
Ulasli is now under the sea about 15 m. GOD is doing everything (8:17).
The Quake happened on
17.8.1999 is the Last Days of 136 (8x17) till the year 2000, the New Millenium.

The Gematrical value of GOD's Messenger, Bahattin Uzunkaya :

Bahattin            : 2     5    1     400   10    50          Uzunkaya     :    1     6     7    6      50   20      1   10   1
                           Be  He Elif   Te    Ya   Nun                                 Elif Vav  Ze Vav Nun  Kef  Elif Ya Elif
                                          468                                                                                      102

                                                     468102 = 570  (19x30)

The number 19 is placed at the verse of 30 in Sura 74. The number 30 is 19 th Composite number.
74:30...Over it is 19
This verse ends with the number 10 , in arabic "Aser"and its Gv. is 570 (19x30)
which gives the identity of GOD's Messenger, Bahattin (
468) Uzunkaya (102), 570.

I witnessed the Quake and declared my Messengership at the age of 31.
My birthday is
30.4.1968. Let's add the digitals ;  3 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 31

Between 17.12.1997 and 17.1.1998, there are 31 days.
Between 17.12.1997 and 29.7.1999, there are 589 days (19x31).

17.1.1998 and 17.8.1999, there are 19 months or 577 days.

57:7 ; Believe in GOD and His Messenger

Between 17.1.1998  and 29.7.1999, there are 544 days.

54:4 ; Sufficient warnings have been delivered to alert them.

49:7 ; GOD's Messenger has come in your midst.

666 + 49 + 7 + 570 = 1292 (19x68)
1968 is the year that I was born.

48:8 ; We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news and a warner.

666 + 48+ 8 + 570 = 1292  (19x68)
1968 is the Year that I was born.

666 + 570 = 1236

In the Quran, 1236 th verse without Basmalah is 9:1.

9:1 ; Ultimatum from GOD and His Messenger to the idol worshipers.

9:1 is 1243 th verse with Basmalah.

666 + 9 + 1 + 1243 = 1919   (19x101)

36:3 ; Absolutely, you are one of the Messengers.

G.value of this verse is

36 + 3 + 612 + 570 = 1221

1221 is Gv. of 74:30 ; GOD's signature is on His Messenger.

                        36 + 3 + 468 102 = 468141 (19x24639)
                   --------  --------
Digital total :    12           21      1221  ; 74:30

In this numerical system, digital no : 9    digital total : 33

9:33 ; He is the One who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the only true religion
and will make it dominate all religions in spite of the idol worshipers."

According to Revelation, in 36:3, the number of the word of GOD is 105.

363 + 105 = 468 ; Bahattin

According to Revelation, 36:3 is 1065 th verse without Basmalah.

363 + 1065 = 1428  (102x14) ; Uzunkaya

In the Gematrical value of
Bahattin Uzunkaya, 468 102, there are
9 arabic letters used ;
Elif Be He Vav Ze Ya Kef Nun Te
1     2    5      6     7  10  20   50   400
Total G.value of these letters ; 501

50:1 points out the letter Qaf and I did deliver the Miracle of Qaf in 2001 by GOD's leave.

Digital total of these 9 letters ; 1 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 5 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 33 ; 9:33

67:8 ; It almost explodes from rage. Whenever a group is thrown therein,
its guards would ask them , 'Did you not receive
a warner ?'

The number
67 is 19 th Prime number. 8 th prime number is 19.
67 th number 19 is placed in 74:30. The number 19 is placed at the verse number of 30.
The number
30 is 19 th Composite number ; 19 x 30 = 570Bahattin (468) Uzunkaya (102)

67:8 has 2640 th word of GOD and it is 5247 th verse without Basmalah.

67 + 8 + 2640 + 5247 + 468 102 = 476064 (19x25056)

25:56 ; We have sent you as a deliverer of good news as well as a warner."

Bahattin Uzunkaya, 468 102 is mathematically coded in Sura 4 , verses 173 and 166 in the Quran.
Bahattin, 468 is coded in 4:173.
4:173 is 666 th verse without Basmalah in the Quran. G.value of this verse is 8049.

4 + 173
+ 666 + 8049 = 8892 (19x468)

Uzunkaya, 102 is coded in 4:166, just 7 verses before from 4:173.
G.value of 4:166 is 1938 (19x102)

4 + 173 + 166 + 468 102 = 468445 (19x24655)

4:173 is 666 th verse without Basmalah in the Quran.
Let's add Sura number,
4 ,
verse numbers from
166 (102 - Uzunkaya) to 173 (468 - Bahattin),
and verse numbers without Basmalah in the Quran.

4 + 166 + 659 + 167 + 660 + 168 + 661 + 169 + 662 + 170 + 663 + 171 + 664 + 172 + 665 + 173 + 666 = 6660 (666x10)

In the Quran, 666 , the number
10 means "Aser" in arabic (74:30) and its Gv. is 570 (19x30)
which is GOD's Messenger Bahattin (
468) Uzunkaya (102).

Uzunkaya, 102 is coded in 4:166.
In the Quran, 666 , there are 18 suras which have 102 verses.

666 + 18 + 102 = 786

The Gv of Basmalah is
786 which has 19 letters. The first word of Basmalah is 'Bism', the name, and its Gv is 102.
Including Basmalah, let's look at the first (1.) words in Sura 98, The Proof.

...The first word of this verse is "Bism", the name and its Gv is 102.
...The first word of this verse is "Lem" and its Gv is 70.
...The first word of this verse is "Resulu", a Messenger and its Gv is 296.

says...a Messenger from GOD, in arabic "Resulu min Allah"

Let's add the Gv of the first (1.) words in these 3 verses.

102 + 70 + 296 = 468  - Bahattin

t's look at 18 sura numbers which have 102 verses in different aspect.

Sura     verse            Total
------     --------            -------
2            102                104
3            102                105
4            102                106
5            102                107
6            102                108
7            102                109
9            102                111
10          102                112  
11          102                113
12          102                114
16          102                118
17          102                119
18          102                120
20          102                122
21          102                123
23          102                125   
26          102                128
37          102                139
------     -------             ---------

247       1836              2083

Let's add these numbers ; 247 + 1836 + 2083 = 4 166

4:166 is the verse that Uzunkaya, 102, is coded.
On the other hand, in the Quran, there are 19 times of the number 102 placed ;
18 suras have 102 verses and also there is Sura 102.

Between 17.1.1998, the Message and warning delivered with the Artý Haber magazine
and my
30 th birthday,
30.4.1998, there are 102 days ; Uzunkaya

Between 17.1.1998, the Message and warning delivered with the Artý Haber magazine
and the
age that I witnessed the Quake and declared my Messengership, my 31st birthday, 30.4.1999,
there are
468 days ; Bahattin

19 is the code of the Quran. Place the number 19 before Sura number 99 , The Quake,
it gives
1999 , the year of the Quake. Sura 99 has 8 verses and the number 8 gives the month of the Quake.
17.8.1999, The Quake in Turkiye was the Prophecy of the Quran.
Another Prophecy of the Quran was that
just after the Quake on 17.8.1999,
there would be
the Rise of GOD's Messenger, Bahattin Uzunkaya, 468 102 in Istanbul, Turkiye.

The Gv of Sura 99 including basmalah is 17393.

17393 + 178 + 1999 = 19 570 (19x1030)

GOD's signature (
19) is on His Messenger, 570 (74:30).

74:30 has the number 10 and its Gv. is 570. In the Quran, there are 9 times the number 10 ; 9 + 10 = 19
Total of sura and verse numbers is 1136.

570 + 9 + 1136 = 1715

17:15 -
We never punish without first sending a Messenger.

The year I was born is 1968.
In the
Qaf table, 1968 th verse is 23:73.
This verse has
4068 th letter Qaf....468 - Bahattin.
And according to the Revelation, this verse is
4068 th verse in the Quran.
There is
1 letter Qaf in the Quran, 666.

2373 + 1 + 666 = 3040 (304 x 10)

30.4 is the day and month that I was born.

In the
Qaf table, 3:81 has 666 th letter Qaf at the word of "Misak", Covenant.
3:81, there are 7 letters of Qaf, 100 and it is 277 th verse in the Qaf table.

3 + 81 + 7 + 100 + 277 = 468 - Bahattin

In the
Qaf table, 570 th Qaf letter is at 3:13 which indicates GOD's support with His Victory.
9:33 and 61:9 are the same 2 verses.

9:33, 61:9
He is the One who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the only true religion,
and will make it dominate all religions, in spite of the idol worshipers.

9:33 has 1152 th word of GOD and it is 1268 th verse and 1275 th verse including basmalah.
61:9 has 2550 th word of GOD and it is 5170 th verse and 5229 th verse including basmalah.
Let's add these with total Gv of Bahattin Uzunkaya,

9 + 33 + 1152 + 1268 + 1275 + 61 + 9 + 2550 + 5170 + 5229 + 2 + 570 = 17328

9:12 has 1117 th word of GOD. 11:17 indicates the fact of GOD's Witness.
48 is Victory.
1968 is the year I was born.
30.4 is the day and month that I was born.
570 is the total Gv of Bahattin Uzunkaya.

GOD has decreed ;
I and My Messengers shall definitely win". GOD is Powerful, Almighty. (58:21)

"Definitely, our decision is already decreed for our servants the Messengers.
They are surely the Victors. Our Soldiers are the Winners". (

                                        Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified