In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This year,
2008 , is the Punishment Year for the Disbelievers,
as I prophesied with the Quran
in the year 2003 by GOD`s will. Check it.


By GOD's will, today (1.1.2008), I declare the Warning that
In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will ,
there will be The Quake on

It is not a coincidence that
The Day of the Quake, 6.10.2008 , hidden secret in the Quran,
is 228 (
19x12) days after the Moon Eclipsed (75:8) on 20-21.2.2008.


Terror in Diyarbakir, Turkiye. Car Bomb kills 7 and injures 65.


Storm hits West Coast in America.
In Fernley, Nevada,
00 homes were flooded just in
10 minutes with 8 feet of water.


Tornado hits Midwest in America.
In Kenosha, Wisconsin, houses were destroyed with rare winter tornado.


Economic Crisis in America hits Global Stock Markets :
Stock Markets in Japan,
Germany, France, Britain, Hong Kong, China, Australia, Turkiye and America
went down sharply.


Tornado hits Southern states in America.
In Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky, houses were destroyed.
people killed and many injured.


The Chaos continues in Turkiye. People are divided into Secularists and Fundamentalists.

By the new Fundamentalist state in Turkiye,
idolizers placed their symbol ` Headscarf ` into the Constitutional Law.
I warned about this and
2 years ago, it was published in Hurriyet newspaper by Ozdemir ince, who stands against the idolizers :


The world`s largest idol of Jesus at Corcovado m
ountain was hit by Lightning
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the world`s largest Catholic country.
GOD condemns the idol and the idolizers
9:30 ).


Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) with 10.000 troops entered Northern Iraq at
in order to kill Kurdish
terrorists. They moved 10 km inside Northern Iraq.

On 29.2.2008,
declared `The Mission accomplished` , ended the Operation.
8 days of Operation, total loss is 240 Kurdish terrorists vs 24 TAF dead.


Tornado hits Atlanta in America.
people killed and many injured.


Flood hits Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana in America.
16 people killed and many injured.


Tornado hits Virginia in America.
3 Tornadoes at different locations in Virginia injured 200 people, destroyed 140 homes.


Tornado hits Arkansas in America.
7 people killed and
350 homes destroyed.


Cyclone hits Burma (Myanmar) with the winds of 190 km per hour.
78.000 people killed, thousands homes destroyed, 56.000 people missing.
Burma is the land of Buddhism, satanic religion.
Burma is the land of evil drug, heroin. Most of the world`s heroin comes from here.
GOD`s wrath is upon this land.

Burma (Myanmar).... Watch the Video


Tornado hits Missouri, Oklahoma in America.
21 people killed


The Quake hits east of Sichuan in China with 7.9 on Richter scale at 2:28 pm.
70.000 people killed, 17.000 people missing.
China with 1.3 billion people has the mixture of satanic religions ; Atheism, Budd
ism and Taoism.
China is the one that supports the dictatorship in Burma (Myanmar).
GOD`wrath is upon the evil empire.

China.... Watch the Video


Tornado hits Colorado in America. 1 killed.


Tornado hits Iowa in America. 7 killed.


Flood hits Iowa, Illinois in America.


Terror in Istanbul, Turkiye. The Bomb kills 17 and injures 154.


Hurricane hits Louisiana in America.


Hurricane hits Texas and Ohio in America. 70 killed.


Economic Crisis in America hits Global Stock Markets again :
Stock Markets in Japan,
Germany, France, Britain, Hong Kong, China, Australia, Turkiye and America
went down sharply. The Crisis goes deeper. This is the worst financial crisis since


2 Quakes hit  in Central Asia.
Measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale hit Kyrgyzstan on 5.10.2008 at 21:52.
6.4 on the Richter scale hit Lhasa, capital city of Tibet on 6.10.2008 at 16:30.
72 people killed in
Kyrgyzstan, 9 people killed in Tibet.

                                                                The Miracle

In the Name of GOD and by GOD's will , on  6 October (10) 2008
2 Quakes, Quake Pairs hit Central Asia on the same day.
This is the same system in the Quran that we witnessed in 2006.
Check it.
The Islamic day begins at Sunset.
6.10.2008 starts at Sunset in 5.10.2008.
6.6 on the Richter scale hit Kyrgyzstan on 5.10.2008 at 21:52.
6.4 on the Richter scale hit Lhasa, capital city of Tibet on 6.10.2008 at 16:30.
By GOD's will, the Prophecy is fulfilled.


The Quake hits Pakistan with 6.4 on Richter scale at 4:09 am.
people killed, 375 injured.


Flood hits Venice in Italy.


5 years ago, in the year of 2003, the Prophecy of the Quran about the year of 2008 has been issued.
Check it
Every one of us has w
itnessed this Prophecy with our own eyes. The year 2008 did become a Historical year.
This is a perfect historical Proof of GOD`s Messenger.

Punishment Year, 2008.....Watch the Video

GOD did give America a good lesson. You cannot turn the world into the Hell in order to make your Land Heaven.
You cannot dominate your satanic religion, Christianity or Trinity with the help of evil empire, Vatican.
You cannot and you shall not.

America.... Watch the Video

Power of GOD....Watch the Video

                                          Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified